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DIY Kits for Tradies

Ready To Go Flexible Solar Kits
Helping tradies get the job done easier and faster 


Tick IconProfessional quality pool heating
Tick IconEasy and simple install
Tick IconDesigned to get the job done fast

Truck Icon WhiteFast Shipping Australia Wide. Orders are shipped promptly once completed.

Technical and general expertise and assistance simply call 1300 786 489

Australia Map WhiteProudly Australian owned, made and manufactured products for over 33 years

Flexible Solar Kit System with Looped Return on a Grey Roof on a Sunny Day with 10 Year Warranty Claim

Ready To Go Flexible Solar Kits

Simply Roll Out and Clip Together

Our Ready To Go Flexible Solar Kits are crafted to streamline your job, delivering professional-grade results. Available in three different  lengths: 6m, 9m and 13m — these kits make it easy to match the right size to your roof dimensions.

Just measure, select the appropriate kit, unbox, roll out and install. It’s that simple! Plus, we offer optional extras like detailed manuals and manufacturer support to help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. 

What is a Ready To Go Flexible Solar Kit?

Each Ready To Go Flexible Solar Kit comes with:

- Boxed Coil Kit
- Boxed Manifold Kit
- Boxed System Kit
- Tiled Roof Kit (For Tiled Roofs Only)

What is in the Coil and Manifold Kits?

Coil Kit with Headers and ManifoldsCOIL KIT (11m, 17m and 25m)
The Ready To Go Flexible Solar Kit comes in 3 different coil lengths (11m, 17m, 25m)

- 11m coil kits for roofs 6m or more
- 17m coil kits for roofs 9m or more
- 25m coil kits for roofs 13m or more

Each coil kit comes with a Manifold kit that consists of:

- 2 x Manifolds
- 2 x Barb Locks

What is in the System Kit?

Roof Mount Isolated on White Background

Roof Mount
Quantity: 4

VacRel Vacuum Relief Valve Isolated on White Background

Quantity: 1

TufGauge Filter Isolated on White Background

Quantity: 1

Drain Down Equaliser Kit Isolated on White Background

Drain Down Kit
Quantity: 1

40mm 45 Degree Elbow Piping Joint Isolated on White Background

40mm 45° Elbow
Quantity: 1

40mm 90 Degree Elbow Piping Joint Isolated on White Background

40mm 90° Elbow
Quantity: 8

Grey Rhino End Cap Isolated on White Background

End Cap
Quantity: 1

EzyClip Black

Quantity: 8

Barb Lock for Solar CollectorsBarb Lock
Quantity: 4

Black Barb Seal Isolated on White BackgroundBarb Seal
Quantity: 4

Close Up of Metal Stitch Screw Isolated on White BackgroundMetal Stitch Screws
Quantity: 30

Optional Upgrade Kit Showcasing a Solar Controller Isolated on a White BackgroundOptional & Upgrade Kits Available

What is in the Tile Roof Kit?

To obtain a tile roof kit with your Ready to Go Flexible solar kit you will need to confirm that you require this additional kit from Boss Pool Heating.

Each Tile Roof Kit comes with:

Black Tile Roof Strap Isolated on White Background
Tile Roof Strap
Quantity: 8

EzyTies for Tiled Roofs Isolated on White Background

EzyTie System
Quantity: 8

Roof Sizing Chart

Pool Surface Area
Range (m2)
Height of the
Roof (m)
Length of the
Roof (m)
6m Kit
0-12 2.45 5.70
12-18 3.50 5.70
18-25 4.55 5.70
25-30 5.60 5.70
9m Kit
0-12 1.75 8.70
12-19 2.45 8.70
19-25 3.15 8.70
25-31 3.85 8.70
31-38 4.55 8.70
36-44 5.25 8.70
13m Kit
0-14 1.40 12.70
14-18 1.75 12.70
18-28 2.45 12.70
26-32 2.80 12.70
30-37 3.15 12.70
37-46 3.85 12.70

What Tools are Required to Install?

Standard Caulking Gun Isolated on White Background

Standard Caulking Gun

Drill Driver Isolated on White Background

Drill Driver

Tape Measure

Tape Measure

Philips Head Bit for Drill Isolated on White Background

Philips Head Bit

8.5mm Drill Bit for a Drill Isolated on a White Background

8.5mm Drill Bit

5/16 Hex Bit/Flat Head Screwdriver Isolated on White Background

5/16 Hex Bit or Flat Head Screwdriver

Black Marker Pen

Marker or Pen

Type P PVC Cement Primer

Type 'P' PVC Cement & Primer

How does the Ready To Go Flexible Solar System Work?

Diagram of How a Strip Solar Works

Watch How Easy Ready To Go Flexible Solar is to Install

Choosing the Correct Ready To Go Flexible ​Solar Kit

Simply select the length of the roof where the kit will be installed to see how many kits are required.

Chart & kit quantities required based on a 6-9m length roof size

Pool Surface Area
Range (m2)
Height of the
Roof (m)
Quantity of Kits Required
0-12 2.45 7
12-18 3.50 10
18-25 4.55 13
25-30 5.60 16

Chart & kit quantities required based on a 10-13m length roof size

Pool Surface Area
Range (m2)
Height of the
Roof (m)
Quantity of Kits Required
0-12 1.75 5
12-19 2.45 7
19-25 3.15 9
25-31 3.85 11
31-38 4.55 13
36-44 5.25 16

Chart & kit quantities required based on a 13m length roof size

Pool Surface Area
Range (m2)
Height of the
Roof (m)
Quantity of Kits Required
0-14 1.40 4
14-18 1.75 5
18-28 2.45 7
28-32 2.80 8
30-37 3.15 9
37-46 3.85 11

If you are unsure on what sizing you need please contact the Boss Pool Heating team to ensure you get the right products on 1300 786 489

Further Information on Ready To Go Flexible Solar

Happy Kids Jumping into a Swimming Pool

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