How Solar Power is Helping the Homeless

Every night across Australia, an astounding 1 in every 200 people are homeless. Homelessness is not an issue we can afford to ignore, as it can have devastating effects on the individuals confidence, physiological state, physical welling and social life. This in turn can cost the taxpayer millions in public support services such as health care, justice services and forgone taxation. This has resulted in a surge of innovative products designed to reduce our rate of homelessness.
In the UK, where on any given night thousands of people sleep on the streets, one innovative entrepreneur has developed an off the grid ‘Nest’. This Nest is a solar powered shelter specifically designed to help get homeless individuals off the streets and into a dry warm environment.
This solar powered Nest contains a chemical toilet, heater, heat alarm, lighting, charging point and of course a bed. It measure 2 by 3 metres and is powered by 4 x 140w solar panels located on its roof and a Victron AGM solar battery stored under the bed. The nest is heated by a 400w Dimplex low wattage panel heater and timer. The Nest is cladded with metal mesh and screening and is accessed through a metal door with a keypad entry. As the Nest is not fixed, planning permits are not necessary as the Nest could be easily relocated. The final cost of the shelters is estimated to be somewhere within the $4,670 – $5,600.
These nests are still in the development phase, however they pose a significant an exciting concept for improving the lives of the homeless. In the future, when the design incorporates shower and basin facilities, solar could also be incorporated to heat the water. Boss is fascinated by projects that help society and even more intrigued by those that harness solar power to do so. The team at Boss will be eagerly watching this project progress and will keep you updated through our social media pages.

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